Sunday 31 January 2021

Wings of Solitude


"The hardest walk you can make is the walk you make alone, but that is the walk that makes you the strongest.
That is the walk that builds your character the most"

Ever feel lonely even though you have friends?
Emotional Isolation is a psychological state where one has properly functioning social circles but still feels emotionally saperated from others.
Feeling of a lack of connection with friends is mentally paralyzing.
One feels down all the time and does not even know why.

Sophisticated thinkers often find themselves lonely and isolated , not because they were excluded from social groups against their will but because of their mantal make up and circumstantial requirement to choose solitude on their own. Others often consider people like these cold and emotionless but that is not true.
They are capable of great compassion and love but they are victims of their circumstances.

These people due to their overly analytical outlook and objectively assessing behaviour often find themselves in contradictory emotional situations, like when one wants to express how he really feels but on the other hand he also knows for sure that the next person will never understand and then instead of expressing he buries his feelings and chooses to keep it to himself because he doesn't want to be perceived as weak and emotional .They do not find their emotions reasonable and in line with logic so they suppress it.
For people like them only two options are available, they can either be real and be alone, because they know it is very difficult  or maybe even impossible to find others who will understand them, or they can pretend to be someone they are not and try to fit-in and deny that they are actually still alone.

They are emotionally vulnerable and hence they choose solitude to protect themselves from possible exploitation, a natural response embedded in our psyche due to thousands of years of evolution.
There is an innate craving for intimate social-bonds in human psychology and it is a part of our biology.
Self resorted solitude can quickly turn into feelings of rejection and self-worthlessness and even depression when one fails to cope with a solitary lifestyle.

One thing to remember is that solitude is never permanent. What remains permanently is the strength one acquires through self-development. Regardless of the times one has been through, their ability to persevere will define the path of their future.
Being alone can be a curse but it can also be a blessing, it is just a matter of perspective. 

If you are alone as a result of your circumstances then become strong alone. Put in the time required to develop skills and build you repertoire of knowledge and acquire strength to change your circumstances.
Fight till your circumstances are a slave of your actions.

It will not be easy to keep going alone, you will have to suffer setbacks and at times you will have no one to fall back on, but stay strong and keep going.
This walk is hard but the hardest walks lead to the greatest destinations.
Always remember those who fly alone have the strongest wings and those who walk alone have the strongest directions.

I am not saying those who have support are weak and everyone must go at it alone to gain strength.
This is just for those who have fought battles alone, those who have always felt like they don't fit-in, those who have never had support in anything they do.
All of those who feel no one believes in them, you do not need others to believe in you if you believe in yourself.

Everything will be worth it in the end, so do not give in, do not settle and never lower you expectations to fit into the world. You were born to standout and lead and when you will show what you are made of, the right people will show up in your life who will truly understand you and then you will not be alone forever

Thursday 28 January 2021

Breaking the Matrix of Ignorance

Breaking the Matrix of ignorance
Weak men cannot leave the shelter of comforting lies and false hope .
They do not accept the reality of world as it is.
Constant denial of subjectively unpleasant but objective truths of this chaotic and unpredictable world is the greatest sin of mankind.

Objective lookout for knowledge is mentally demanding and discombobulating for those who do not want to leave to their comfortable bubble of fake optimistic philosophy.They do not like to be shown what lies beyond the matrix of this fake, idealistic , made-up reality.
For them ignorance is bliss

Man's natural tendency to put seemingly unrelated but sensually similar things into context, even with a lack of reason, is a characteristic attempt at rationalization, to protect one's self‐image from feeling completely arbitrary.
There is a heavy dependence on unreliable sensory data and a strong preference for simplistic explanations of complicated things.
This sublte-looking flaw of human nature is disastrous in true sense

Trial and error is the only way for someone to reach the truth who does not know how to discover and discern real knowledge from a pool of infinite possible combinations of data and noise.
Unfortunately life is too short for that and some errors can make it even shorter

Our cultural motifs, our educational system, our communications media had failed most of the men miserably

Denial of irrefutable scientific orthodoxies like evolution and advocating the artefacts of pre-scientific era like creationism by a numerically considerable section of population is seriously concerning.

Denialism might look harmless and inconsequential at first sight but it is inevitably dangerous in the long run.
For example, our next generation will definitely pay the price for our denial of upcoming climate change and our reluctance to act properly and accordingly. 
Life will not only be difficult , it will be miserable for them. Even the last few years of our own lives might be miserable and unbearable, if that is what concerns you. 

Sometimes, even immediate negative consequences are seen too as in the case of anti- vaccination movement which resulted in the rise of almost extinct ,preventable diseases like measles in European countries .

Constant degradation of scientific values among general populous is damaging for the future prospects of our civilization , both immediate and far future.

Knowledge is what makes a species immortal as a whole ,connecting generations .
I always gaze upon stars and wonder what went on the minds of our ancestors when they were looking at the same stars and what our descendents will be thinking when they will be looking at those stars .
This sense of connection from the past through the present to the future is oddly assuring and mystically satisfying and yet most fail to stumble upon the real wonders of the world and they indulge in mysticism and pseudoscience to quench their craving for a sense of awe in their lives.

Science is the only glimmer of hope in a world drowning in the darkness of ignorance

Albert Einstein once said:
"All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike - and yet it is the most precious thing we have."........

 Yes, indeed it is the most precious thing we have in this Matrix of Ignorance

Friday 22 January 2021

Memories ๐Ÿ’•


Memories never say goodbye....
We can only stare at our old memories through pictures and texts.
 This turns my eyes into waterfall....reminds me of the days that will never come back!
Memories are soothingly heartening like Sunshine in winters
Memories don't utter lies.....
They only get a bit distant and leaves us with smiles and cries.....but never say goodbye!!

Saturday 9 January 2021

Love to sit in silence ๐Ÿ™ƒ

dark image

So, I love to sit in silence ......

There's something about myself that i can't explain to anyone.... despite the fact that the world is always a nice place with people around to lean on!....i know sometime it just hurts hiding one's feelings and pretending to be strong for far too long....but i really don't want to express myself at all in front of anyone; i just want to being alone with my own little world.....being tired all day is just apart of who i am!!๐Ÿ™‚

     So I Love to sit in silence❤️ beneath the starry sky drawned in my own thought ๐Ÿ’ญ... listening to those songs which is never mine❤️


Thursday 31 December 2020

๐“˜ ๐”€๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐”€ ๐“ฏ๐“ช๐“ป ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“˜ ๐“ฐ๐“ธ...


If someone could see whats goin' on inside my head right now it may look like a war zone, a battle field of worries, regrets,wishes, urges and many feelings arises inside๐Ÿค..Just like questions left unanswered pages painted in ink but always covered...

There are lots of things unsettled, unrevealed....

I'm trying to write about all the shits going on my head right now..but i don't even know where to start๐Ÿ˜… coz i have been doing lot of thinking these days, thinking about everything!(means everything)..but yu know I usually don't know how I pass my day till someone asks what I've been doing all day...

I just sit and start thinking about all the things I might've missed while drowning in sadness_ (when things not going according to me๐Ÿค).I'm really just sitting here falling apart inside and i don’t know why...

sometime I asked myself that แด€แด i สŸแดsแด› Oส€ แด€แด ษชษด แด€ แดกส€แดษดษข แด˜สŸแด€แด„แด‡!?๐Ÿ˜“

Friday 18 December 2020

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Saturday 5 December 2020

Farms bill

"Farmers protest increasing COVID-19 risk": plea in supreme court seeks immediate removal of farmers from border areas of Delhi-NCR_


     A plea was filed by a delhi resident....seeking removal of farmers protesting against the Farms law!!

The plea sought the Apex court to direct the gov. to remove  these farmers because of the covid risk.

Thursday 3 December 2020

supreme court decision

 supreme court dismisses chanda kohchar's challenge against ICIC bank terminating Her services...

Wednesday 2 December 2020


Bhopal gas tragedy"

 Make everyone aware about Pollution and it's hazardous effects.....

  2nd December


Sunday 29 November 2020

child (quotes)

   "Children are always looking at the world as if it was for the first time in their lives. So, we should always look to the world with the eyes of a child. I am not saying be naive, I am saying be innocent in the sense of discovering things."  ~ Paulo Coelho...

Cute baby๐Ÿงœ๐Ÿป‍♀️

Saturday 28 November 2020

single choice


Sometimes we didn't know that whatever we 'r doing is goin' to be right or not!?. We couldn't understand our own thoughts at that time, we assume things which is not relevant at that point of time. we only left with a single choice and that's all.....

we spend minutes, hours , days, weeks, months and might the whole year...overanalyzing the things that had happened, trying to put the pieces together...and trying to justify things!!... which have already happened.

                And also don't know what's going to  happened next.......๐Ÿ–‹

Thursday 26 November 2020



Between Mind and Heart, Reality appears to be powerful!!

    They say the heart is angel and the Mind the demon cause' the Heart take a leap of that spark while the Mind say it's insane!_but the truth is that the heart is the monster leading by false hope which lastly makes yu fight with tears. Sometimes Heart whispers_ "This is goin' to be a happy Ending"...but suddenly Reality wakes up.

   It's says_getting yu deep like Fool, while reality makes it clear That the End is Brokenness but what yu hear from in is will let it Grow, let the heart run to what it want.... To the end of Road where there's Nothing but only HURT!!!......
    to be continued.....๐Ÿ’•


Sunday 8 November 2020


Sometimes the mirage can be real...




Shivrani Bhardwaj

❇️ We're livin' in a world...full of mysteries hidden inside their heart, lies inside their eyes, and the real thoughts Inside their mouth☺️!!



You are like sky๐Ÿ’™; always high!!✨
And here I'm just a dreamer, i can look to you but can't hold you❤️......

                 ~ Shivrani Bhardwaj

Saturday 7 November 2020


   About being "Constant"...

So, we are familiar with this term "Constant"...which means fixed, unchanged. we generally apply this word in physics and mathematical equations but what about being constant in terms of life!? terms of commitments and promises!? so, yea! let's talk about being constant about your feelings, commitments and promises.
 firstly, let's understand this term "constant"... From my point of view,
CONSTANT = someone who promises to be there for you at any point of time and regardless of what is going on around you...he just be with you.
A constant in our life is one who stands by us without any condition, a source of Hope , strength and knowingness that we can always rely on that particular individuals.

  So, now talks about being Constant....somewhere , I read  "Change is the real constant"...and i was like How?...and started questioning myself....n somehow i came to conclusion that yea "change might be a real constant" ..In the whole universe there is nothing which remains constant even a clouds ,sun, moon, human nature, time  all keeps on ,no way of thinking that there is constant something in life...and i agree! but from my viewpoint, one thing is constant, and that is the wish of our worldly mind for things to remain constant. It is one of the basic drives of our mind which make us strong enough to hold those things to remains constant throughout the life.


IT's all upon mind that...the way you think....and the way you believe....and i know its not so easy to being a "Constant"

  People and places changes over time. The only part you could sure about is_YOURSELF! 


Friday 6 November 2020


My_ Quote'๐Ÿ’ž

Billie eilish

  We can't find anything realistic๐Ÿ in this acquisitive world๐ŸŒ!! 


Thursday 5 November 2020

Believe yourself first!

         Believe _yourself✌

Never ever give power to anyone to decide your worth!...

  we as a human always looking for others and wasting our precious time in thinking about what other peoples think about me, and from there we started to questioning ourselves in each and every aspects of life...and from that point be stuck in making any firm decisions because our mind is not thinking in the way we as an individuals are. Our decisions started relying on others perspective ,and from here we are not able to make a clear decision. So we have to have very focused and firm about what we're doing is right for me without caring about others(thinking).Believe in yourself and start your own journey!!๐Ÿ’žyou'll rock๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’–




Expectation ❣️

 There is a world that we want to build that exists in imaginations and then there is the world in which we live that exists in reality. Ima...